Thursday, April 29, 2010

Newer Pics

We went to NYC for the first time with Tess about a month ago. We took her in for breakfast and stayed in ALL Day. She was wonderful and had such a good time!! We went all over Central Park and she saw so many animal and birds!! We took her into Tiffany's to make sure she knew what a good diamond looked like too! We're training her young to accept nothing but the best:)
She LOVES bathtime!!

There are so few days where she isnt happy! We're so blessed to have her in our lives and we both now understand that this little girl will teach us more about how to love than we will ever teach her!

You talk'n to me??!!

Two Peas in a Pod!


  1. love the "You talkin to me photo " so adorable and glad your blog is back

  2. Yay, Kristin! I am so glad you are blogging! How are you feeling? When are you due again? Would love another night out w/ you and Kel! I'll be 'following' you!! :)
